Saturday, July 13, 2019

Agave Danbury, CT

I'm going to start this review by saying that I am not a fan of Mariachis at restaurants.  I feel like they are very intrusive while I'm trying to eat.  It's so annoying to be enjoying a meal and you have have to stop eating to smile and be polite to the musicians and then they expect a tip for interrupting your meal and making your food cold.  We try our best to avoid the Mariachis at all cost.  We actually left the restaurant quickly when they were getting close to our table.  We decided to forgo coffee and dessert, just to get the hell out of there.  It seemed like many of the other tables did the same thing.  The tables with kids may enjoy the traveling minstrels more than we do.  Enough of my rant, on to the review.

I ordered the chicken flautas.  I've never had them before, so I'm still not sure how they should taste, but I'm pretty sure the chicken shouldn't have tasted like it did.  There was chicken inside a fried flour tortilla with lettuce, tomatoes and very little cheese on top.  There was supposed to be pico de gallo, but I didn't see or taste any.  The chicken was so dry that it reminded of that scene in "Christmas Vacation"  when they are eating the extremely dry turkey and hacking up shards.  I had to dip the flautas in salsa, just to get it down.
Lee ordered chicken fajitas and they were good.  There was quite a bit of chicken and veggies.  Sometimes restaurants hardly put any chicken in their fajitas, but this was loaded.

Wait staff was attentive as soon as we sat down.
Food came out in 10 minutes.
Good fajitas
Okay chips and salsa

Blasted Mariachis (unless you like them)
Didn't fill up our drinks
Didn't ask how the food was
Dry flautas

To be fair, I've had other dishes at Agave that were good, so I can't give them a bad rating.  I would just say, don't order the flautas if you go there.  Also, find out what nights and times the Mariachis will be there, depending on your preference.  Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of the food.

Rating; πŸ˜’ for flautas
             πŸŽΈπŸŽΈπŸŽΈ for overall ( yes, those are guitars)

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